This is an illustration of the Moon Modular 554 Clock divider.
The 554 Clock Divider has 4 dividers, each with selectable division from 1 (no divide down)
to 32. Each divider can be used independend of the others, as each has it's own input and
output. However the dividers are internally connected so if nothing is plugged into divider 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7 and 8, they will still recieve a signal:
The input signal to divider 1 is routed to divider 3
The input signal to divider 3 is routed to divider 5
The input signal to divider 5 is routed to divider 7
The output signal from divider 1 is routed to divider 2
The output signal from divider 3 is routed to divider 4
The output signal from divider 5 is routed to divider 6
The output signal from divider 7 is routed to divider 8
This means that a one can take full advantage of the 554 Clock Divider by just connecting
the clock signal to divider 1 input.
In the interactive program above, the routings between the first 4 dividers are illustrated, as well
as how different input waves gives different outputs, when the division is set to 1.
Click on the pointers to change waveform and divisions.